Sample email template to Agency employees (post initial demo)

Use this template to email additional employees at the Agency who were not there for the initial demo.


Hi _______

I hope you are having a great day.

_______ asked us to set you up with an evaluation login for Indeemo.

Here are the steps to get up and running on both the Researcher Dashboard and the Respondent App:

Registering with Indeemo:

Click on this link and please register with your work email address to get access to the dashboard.

When you register, you will see demo uploads from your colleagues in the dashboard.

There are 3 main screens:

  • Dashboard where you can view, moderate, tag, collage and export responses.

  • Respondents: use this screen to add / invite respondents to your monitor their status / summary activity

  • Task Completion: use this screen to see exactly what each registered respondent has uploaded for each task.

The Help page in the main menu has tips on getting started. If you have any other questions, please email us at

Indeemo Respondent App

We also recommend that you check out the respondent app so you can experience what the Respondents experience when they are responding to tasks. After you have registered on the dashboard, tap on the following link from your mobile device to download the Indeemo app  and log in using your work email and dashboard password.

Tap on the main menu top left and choose the task list. This is a demo task list that is typical of most projects we do. We suggest you upload some photos and videos to experience how the respondents will reply to tasks using photos, videos or notes.

After this trial, you will probably not use the respondent app again (unless you wish to use it yourself to upload video voxpops from indepth interviews for example).

If you have any questions about the app, please email us and we will get back to you.

Hopefully this is enough info to give you a broad overview of the platform. If you have any questions please reply to this email at and we can set up a quick screen share to give you more training on the features.

Iā€™m looking forward to hearing your feedback.

Thanks and best regards,
