Unmoderated Research: What It Is, Advantages, and Best Practices


What is Unmoderated Research?

Unmoderated research is a type of research that doesn't involve a moderator or facilitator. This means that the participants complete the research tasks on their own, without any guidance or assistance from a researcher. Unmoderated research has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its affordability, scalability, and flexibility. In this article, we'll dive into what unmoderated research is, its advantages, and best practices.


Why Unmoderated Research is Becoming More Popular?

Unmoderated research is becoming more popular for a number of reasons. One of the main benefits of unmoderated research is its convenience and accessibility. Unlike traditional moderated research methods, unmoderated research can be conducted remotely and at any time, making it more convenient for participants and researchers alike. This also allows researchers to recruit participants from a wider geographical area, which can be particularly helpful for studies that require a diverse participant pool.


Differences between Moderated & Unmoderated Research

While unmoderated research has its benefits, it is important to note that it is not a one-size-fits-all solution. There are certain research questions and objectives that may be better suited for moderated research methods, such as in-person interviews or focus groups. For example, if the research objective is to understand participants' emotional reactions to a product or service, a moderated research method may be more appropriate as it allows for deeper exploration and probing of participants' responses.

On the other hand, unmoderated research can be beneficial for collecting large amounts of quantitative data quickly and efficiently. Online surveys and A/B testing, for example, are commonly used for unmoderated research as they can provide researchers with valuable insights into user behaviour and preferences.

Another consideration when choosing between unmoderated and moderated research methods is the level of control over the research environment. In moderated research methods, the moderator has more control over the research environment, which can help ensure that the research is conducted in a standardised and consistent manner. Unmoderated research, on the other hand, may be subject to more variability due to factors such as participant motivation, technical difficulties, or environmental distractions.

Moderated Research Unmoderated Research
Moderator A moderator is usually present to guide participants No moderator is required. Participants complete tasks on their own
Participant Interaction between participants and moderators Participants complete tasks and fieldwork independtly
Cost More expensive due to presence of moderator Less expensive as no moderator required
Flexibility Less flexibility due to scheduling constraitns More flexible as participants can complete tasks on their own time
Data Quality Potential for bias from moderator More objective as there is no moderator bias
Time Required Longer time required due to scheduling and moderation Shoter time required as participants work independently
Ethical Considerations Participants may feel pressure to conform to moderator's expectations Participants may feel more comfortable providing honest feedback

In conclusion, both moderated and unmoderated research methods have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between the two will depend on the specific research question, objectives, and constraints. While unmoderated research is becoming more popular due to its convenience, cost-effectiveness, and scalability, it is important to carefully consider which method is best suited for your research needs.


Advantages of Unmoderated Research

There are several advantages to conducting unmoderated research, including:


Unmoderated research is generally more affordable than moderated research because it doesn't require a researcher to be present.


Unmoderated research can be conducted with a large number of participants at the same time, making it a scalable option for research studies.


Participants can complete unmoderated research tasks at their own pace and in their own environment, providing more flexibility than moderated research.


Unmoderated research eliminates potential biases from the researcher, making it more objective.


Best Practices for Unmoderated Research

To ensure that unmoderated research is conducted effectively, it's important to follow best practices, including:

Clear define research objectives and tasks

Clear instructions and tasks are essential for participants to provide useful and relevant data.

Recruit Representative Participants

Recruiting participants that accurately represent the target audience is crucial for obtaining reliable data.

Use the right tools and platforms

Choosing the right tools and platforms is essential for collecting, analysing, and reporting data accurately.

Monitor data quality

Regularly checking the quality of data is important to ensure that it's accurate and reliable.



Unmoderated research is a popular and effective way to conduct research studies online. Its affordability, scalability, and flexibility make it a great option for many research projects. By following best practices, researchers can ensure that the data collected is accurate, reliable, and relevant to the research objectives.

How Indeemo Can Help You with Unmoderated Research

Indeemo is a mobile ethnography tool that can be a valuable asset for researchers conducting unmoderated research. With Indeemo, researchers can design and launch studies that allow participants to provide in-context feedback using their mobile devices.

One of the main benefits of Indeemo is its flexibility. Researchers can use Indeemo to conduct a variety of research studies, such as diary studies and customer feedback. Additionally, Indeemo allows researchers to collect rich qualitative data, giving them a more comprehensive view of participants' experiences and preferences.

Indeemo's platform also offers a number of features that can help researchers manage and analyse their data more effectively. They can also use Indeemo's analytics tools to visualise and analyse their data, helping them identify patterns and insights that may not be immediately apparent.

Another benefit of Indeemo is its user-friendly interface, which makes it easy for both researchers and participants to use. Participants can complete tasks and provide feedback using their mobile devices, which allows them to provide feedback in real-time and in their natural environment. This can help researchers gain a more accurate understanding of how participants interact with products or services in their day-to-day lives.

Overall, Indeemo can be a valuable tool for researchers conducting unmoderated research. Its flexibility, ability to collect rich qualitative data, and user-friendly interface make it an effective way to gather insights from participants in a natural and unobtrusive manner.

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If the above approach resonates with your research objectives, please get in touch and we can set up a call with one of our Strategists to discuss your own specific research requirements when it comes to understanding the research ops. 



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