Qualitative / UX Research Methodologies
Digital transformation is accelerating the convergence of Market Research, UX Design and CX. As a result, there is increasing overlap between various Qualitative Research and UX Research methodologies.
With so many methodologies overlapping it can be confusing to choose the right research method for your project. To cut through the jargon, this learning repository will help you develop an understanding of all the various qualitative research and UX methodologies that are supported by Indeemo.
What is Mobile Ethnography?
Mobile Ethnography (aka Digital Ethnography) is a fast growing form of remote, online, task based qualitative research that enables research participants to use smartphones to record in the moment needs, behaviors and experiences.
What is Customer Journey Mapping and how to do it?
Customer Journey Mapping is a contextual research methodology used by UX Research and CX Management teams to better understand real life Customer Experiences.
What is Patient Journey Mapping and how to do it?
Patient Journey Mapping is a way to help improve the communication between healthcare providers and patients. Learn more about Patient Journey Mapping and how to do it.
What is Employee Journey Mapping and How to do it?
Employee Journey Mapping is a qualitative research method that allows you to garner valuable insights of your employee experience. Learn more about Employee Journey Mapping and how to do it.
What is a UX Diary study and how to do it for User Research?
This guide will help you and your team design a UX diary study protocol for your next user experience and user-centred design project.
What is Patient Experience Research and how to do it?
This guide is there to help you drive patient-centred care by leveraging the opportunities resulting from patient experience research.
What is Generative Research and how to do it?
Generative research is often viewed as the starting point of customer and/or user discovery. This guide outlines a number of tips to help you conduct effective generative research.
What is the Buyer Journey and how to research it?
In this article, we outline how marketing and insights teams can leverage exploratory qualitative research to capture the buyer journey. As a starting point to understanding the buyer journey and how it impacts the path to purchase, this guide will help you uncover contextual insights to benefit the customer experience.
What is Customer Experience Research and how to do it?
Customer experience is centred around everything before, during, and after the final point of sale, or the completion of a service. Customer experience focuses on how a brand guides and supports customers across all stages of their relationship.
What is Photovoice Research?
Photovoice research is a qualitative research methodology that uses photos to empower research participants to communicate and reflect on their experiences, opinions, and emotions. It fosters photo imagery with the collaborative effort to identify problems, and drive action for social change.