Harnessing the Power of Video to Uncover Consumer Shopping Behaviours



Indeemo is a mobile app that enables consumer research through the use of video and photo recording. The app allows research participants to capture their grocery shopping experience, as well as screen record their online shopping behaviour. This case study highlights the power of video as a tool to uncover insights into consumer shopping behaviours.



Challenge with understanding consumer behaviour

A major retail chain was experiencing a decline in sales and wanted to better understand the reasons behind it. They suspected that changing consumer shopping behaviours may be a contributing factor but needed concrete evidence to confirm their hypothesis.




The retail chain partnered with us to conduct a consumer research study. Participants were asked to use the app to record their grocery shopping experience, from the moment they arrived at the store to the time they left. Additionally, participants were asked to screen record their online shopping behaviour when looking for offers.

The video recordings provided valuable insights into consumer shopping behaviours. By analysing the videos, the retail chain was able to identify several key pain points for consumers, including:

Difficulty finding products

Many participants struggled to find the products they were looking for, leading to frustration and increased time spent in-store.

Confusing store layout

The store layout was found to be confusing for many participants, leading to them getting lost and spending more time in-store.

Long checkout lines

 Many participants experienced long checkout lines, leading to frustration and delayed departure from the store.

Limited product information

Participants wanted more product information, such as nutritional facts and ingredients, but found it difficult to access in-store.

By analysing the screen recordings of online shopping behaviour, the retail chain was also able to identify several key factors that influence purchase decisions, including

Offers and discounts

Participants were highly influenced by offers and discounts when making purchase decisions.

Product reviews

Many participants checked product reviews before making a purchase.

User-friendly interface 

Participants preferred online shopping platforms that were easy to navigate and use.


Fieldwork: Tasking and Duration


24 Respondents

10 Tasks per week

2 Weeks

Strategy: Sequential Task List



Based on the insights uncovered through video analysis, the retail chain was able to make several changes to improve the consumer shopping experience. They redesigned the store layout to make it more intuitive, added more product information, and implemented a new checkout system to reduce wait times. They also launched a new online shopping platform with user-friendly features and promoted more offers and discounts.

As a result of these changes, the retail chain experienced an increase in sales and improved customer satisfaction ratings. The use of video and photo recording through our mobile app proved to be a valuable tool in understanding consumer shopping behaviours and identifying pain points for consumers.


The Benefits of Video Based Consumer Research

Enhanced Understanding of Consumer Behaviour & Attitudes

Video captures more than just words; it captures emotions, facial expressions, and body language. Unlike surveys that rely solely on text-based responses, videos allow researchers to tap into non-verbal cues and subtle nuances. This added dimension provides a more comprehensive understanding of customer experiences and shopping behaviours, enabling businesses to identify unmet needs, pain points, and opportunities for improvement.

Authenticity and Realism

Video recordings offer an authentic representation of customer experiences and behaviours. By observing actual interactions, businesses can gain insights into real-world scenarios, replicating the shopping environment more accurately than surveys. This authenticity helps researchers uncover genuine motivations, preferences, and decision-making processes, leading to more reliable and actionable findings.

Contextual Understanding

Videos provide rich context that surveys often lack. They allow researchers to see customers in their natural environments, whether it's in-store, at home, or on the go. This contextual understanding helps businesses identify environmental influences, such as product displays, store layouts, or social interactions, that impact customer experiences and purchasing decisions. By capturing the complete picture, video-based research can uncover hidden factors that surveys may miss.

Engaging and Interactive

Video research has the advantage of being engaging and interactive, both for participants and stakeholders. Participants may find it more enjoyable and less burdensome than completing lengthy surveys. Meanwhile, stakeholders can directly observe and connect with customer experiences, enhancing their empathy and understanding. Video snippets can also be shared internally to create empathy-building exercises and generate deeper discussions around customer-centric strategies.



Why Video-based Consumer Research Matters

Video is a powerful tool for uncovering consumer shopping behaviours. By using our mobile app to record shopping experiences, the retail chain was able to gain valuable insights into consumer pain points and factors that influence purchase decisions.

The insights gained through video analysis allowed the retail chain to make changes that improved the consumer shopping experience, resulting in increased sales and customer satisfaction.




Protected, safe and secure

Protected: Our exclusive connection with research participants provides unparalleled privacy and trust.

Safe: Login anonymity for participants and separate recruiter accounts prevent PHI from being disclosed.

Secure: Our platform has been thoroughly examined by leading healthcare organisations for maximum security.


GDPR Compliant

ISO 27001 Certified

Enterprise Ready

HIPAA Compliant


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