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Why Use Indeemo for your Patient Experience Research?
Indeemo is an agile way to conduct remote, pharma / healthcare research methodologies. Learn more about how our tool can help.
Indeemo’s, Instagram style, patient experience research app enables you to connect privately with your patient.
Participants diary their journey by capturing their patient experience in the moment using either photos, videos, screen recordings of text.
Every moment of their patient experience is rated on a configurable 5 point scale that enables them to quantify their in-context customer experience.
Automated Patient Experience Journey Map
Our platform automatically converts every moment of your patient’s journey into an interactive, multi media Customer Journey Map.
Not only do you get a Journey Map showing you the highs and lows of their Patient Journey, you can click into each video, photo or screen recording and to understand why a particular experience was positive or negative.
Indeemo User Journey Mapping Dashboard
Interact with Patient in-the-moment
Our social networking style patient experience research app enables you to interact privately with your patient using comments and push notifications.
Ask follow up questions within seconds of reviewing their experience and get under the skin of what’s really going on.
Patient Experience research dashboard
Seamlessly aggregate multimedia patient experience data on an intuitive, media rich dashboard.
Collate and analyse experience data from multiple CX research projects in a simple to use interface.
Our dashboard automatically turns in-the-moment experience data into interactive Patient Journey maps that shows you their contextual journey, touchpoint by touchpoint.
Quickly analyse and code patient feedback with powerful automated video transcription, keywords analysis and tagging tools.
What our Customers say
Learn more about our own customers’ experiences on G2 Crowd
Founder, Research Consultancy
“Great service from a wonderful team and a versatile tool for digital qual”
Posted on G2
Research Manager
“I love that Indeemo offers simple, intuitive user interface to organize and sort through qualitative interview data.”
Posted on G2
Indeemo helps you to understand how your customers act, feel and behave in context and in the moment.
Our strategists will work closely with you to understand your specific requirements, propose strategies for addressing the project brief and explain how it all works.
Tailored to your needs
Our strategists will work closely with you to understand your specific requirements, propose strategies for your situation.
Insights from our experts
New to mobile ethnography? One of our experts will explain how it all works and how it brings you closer to the everyday reality of your customers
6 * experience
We aim to completely de-risk your adoption of this powerful methodology and ensure that you, your clients and your respondents have a 6* experience.
Indeemo processes your personal data in order to respond to your query and provide you with information about our products and services. Please see our Privacy Statement for further information.