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This case study delves into the journey of a healthcare provider aiming to improve their services for patients with a specific illness. Having conducted various research studies in the past, they sought an alternative approach to gain deeper insights into patient experiences. By collaborating with Indeemo, the provider aimed to understand the impact of the illness from both the patient and caregiver perspectives, with a focus on capturing authentic insights within the context of their daily lives.
The healthcare provider recognised the need to make significant improvements to their services for patients with a particular illness. While they had conducted previous research, they desired a fresh and innovative approach to gain a comprehensive understanding of the experiences of patients and their caregivers.
Traditional research methods had their limitations, leading them to explore alternative methodologies to uncover unknown insights and identify opportunities for service enhancements.
The primary objective of the healthcare provider was to gain a deeper understanding of the impact of the illness on both patients and their caregivers. By capturing authentic insights, the provider aimed to discover new and innovative ways to enhance their services. They sought to explore the patient and caregiver perspectives, with a particular emphasis on their day-to-day experiences and challenges.
To achieve their objective, the healthcare provider adopted a video survey methodology in collaboration with Indeemo. This approach involved utilising the Indeemo platform, which empowered participants to share their experiences through video recordings. By incorporating video surveys, the healthcare provider aimed to gather rich, contextual data that would shed light on the lived experiences of patients and caregivers.
15 Respondents
2 Tasks per day
2 weeks
Strategy: Sequential Task List
The implementation of the video survey methodology through Indeemo yielded compelling outcomes for the healthcare provider. Researchers discovered a multitude of unknown insights that deepened their understanding of the illness and its impact on patients and caregivers. One significant finding was the disparity between how caregivers understood the illness and the actual patient experience. This newfound insight highlighted the importance of bridging the communication gap and fostering better understanding between patients and their caregivers.
Moreover, the video survey methodology allowed researchers to observe and analyse the impact of the participants' environment on their illness management. The home setting emerged as a crucial factor, influencing treatment adherence, emotional well-being, and overall quality of life. By witnessing these contextual factors firsthand, the healthcare provider gained valuable insights that guided them towards tailored interventions and support services.
The adoption of Indeemo for a Video Survey brought forth several benefits for the healthcare provider and participants alike. The user-friendly Indeemo app eased the process for patients, ensuring a seamless experience while recording their video responses. This simplicity resulted in higher participant engagement and increased willingness to share personal experiences. Researchers were pleasantly surprised by the level of openness and depth of responses, uncovering insights they had not anticipated.
The video survey format proved to be a powerful tool in capturing the multifaceted nature of the participants' experiences. The visual and auditory aspects of the recordings provided a deeper understanding of the emotional and physical challenges faced by patients and caregivers. Researchers were able to witness firsthand the lived realities of their target audience, fostering empathy and enabling the development of patient-centred services.
Additionally, the Indeemo platform enabled researchers to conduct the study remotely, minimising disruptions to participants' routines and reducing logistical barriers. This flexibility empowered participants to document their experiences at their convenience, resulting in more authentic and genuine insights.
By leveraging Indeemo for a video survey to understand patient experiences, the healthcare provider successfully gained authentic and contextual insights into the experiences of patients and caregivers impacted by a specific illness. This innovative approach allowed researchers to bridge the communication gap, uncover unknown insights, and identify opportunities for service improvements. The ease of use of the Indeemo app, coupled with the video format, fostered participant engagement and provided a holistic understanding of the challenges faced in managing the illness within the context of their daily lives. The findings of this research study empowered the healthcare provider to enhance their services and better support their patient and caregiver community, ultimately leading to improved patient outcomes and satisfaction.
Protected: Our exclusive connection with research participants provides unparalleled privacy and trust.
Safe: Login anonymity for participants and separate recruiter accounts prevent PHI from being disclosed.
Secure: Our platform has been thoroughly examined by leading healthcare organisations for maximum security.
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Enterprise Ready
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Learn how Indeemo can support your research projects and generate rich, contextual insights that help you better understand your target audience and build empathy across your entire organisation.