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Hair care brands need to constantly evolve, innovate and create new products to both adapt to rapidly changing market trends and stay ahead of their competitors.
In an era where social media is constantly - and increasingly - re-shaping hair care trends and consumers are looking for more personalised solutions that meet their own particular needs, the need for brands to get closer to individual consumers and understand what really matters to them has never been more acute.
Week-in-the-life Mobile Diary Studies can help brands truly understand women’s hair care needs, routines and rituals and give brands the capability to connect in person and in the moment and get under skin of what their customers really need.
Our client was in the midst of adding a new styling spray to their product range. Their existing products were well established in the marketplace, but they had discovered that while they understood consumer behaviour pertaining to shampoos and conditioners, styling spray was different.
Realising they knew little about the consumer persona that would use the styling spray, they were looking for a methodology that would get them into the everyday lives of women who use styling spray. They considered inviting a group of women into a Focus Group but felt that it would not give them the richness, context or the in-the-moment authenticity that they really needed.
They realised they needed to bring their customer’s user experience of trying the product to get an authentic, in-the-moment insight into the how - and why - they were using it.
A week in the life Mobile Diary study, heavily focused on in-the-moment video capture was chosen as the preferred technique to compliment their existing data and insights.
Our clients objectives were to :
Understand consumers motivations for using styling sprays.
Diary routine usage of hair care products in order to enrich their existing personas.
See how styling spray usage differed between weekdays and weekends.
Get the respondents to try their new product and record their feelings and attitudes towards their new styling spray.
20 Respondents
8 Tasks
2 Weeks
Tasking Strategy: Sequential Tasking
Working with Indeemo, our client identified 3 different female target groups who used styling spray; Frequent, Infrequent and Non-users.
During a 2 week-long video diary study, our client was able to bring their personas to life and not only capture their individual hair-care routines, but also their thoughts on the new hair styling product in their range.
Using a scheduled task list over 2 weeks, week one focused mostly on getting to know the respondents using diary style tasking. Tasking focused on brands they currently used and on repetitive recording of their daily hair care routines (and the products they used). A mobile Screen Recording task was designed to specifically understand how respondents sourced product recommendations and purchased hair care products online.
In-the-moment video opened up a real-life window into their everyday hair-care routines.
By capturing personal, contextual, media-rich insights our client was able to vividly understand the real behaviours and rituals of consumers.
What our client found most valuable however was the in-the-moment probing ability of the Indeemo platform that enabled them to establish an ongoing dialogue with the respondents over the 2 week study.
As photo and video uploads of hair-care routines started appearing on the Indeemo dashboard, our client was able to converse with respondents using comments and push notifications which significantly helped them deepen and enrich their existing understanding.
If you’d like to learn more about how Indeemo can help your hair-care brand learn more about consumer habits, behaviours and attitudes, please contact us using the form below.
Week-in-the-Life Video Diary studies provide a comprehensive and adaptable method for gaining an in-depth insight into the daily lives, needs, and behaviors of participants. These studies can last anywhere from a few days to a year, but usually run for 1 to 2 weeks.
Our clients often use Video Diaries to revitalize previous research and bring consumer personas to life in a way that elicits strong resonance within their organizations.
Learn how Indeemo can support your research projects and generate rich, contextual insights that help you better understand your target audience and build empathy across your entire organisation.