
So at Indeemo, we’re all about helping humans understand humans. There’s been this massive arc of big data and AI, social listening trying to algorithmically understand the crowd, whereas we’re really about helping businesses understand the individuals. 

What we’re trying to do with Indeemo is we’re taking a social networking-style technology, which is ubiquitous nowadays, and we’re helping businesses and researchers and brands connect one-to-one with the humans that they need to understand. 

So essentially, we’re about cutting through the layers that separate business decision-makers and the customers, and bringing the customer back into the business in a really contextual, media-rich way, so that the people who are innovating and trying to create massive value for their customers can do that based on real-life data.



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Shopper Research


Blog Recommendation

Mobile Qualitative Omnichannel


Case Study Recommendation

Mobile Ethnography Diary Study



Get started with Indeemo and connect with your customers in a very authentic, private, one-to-one manner

Connect with the humans that matter to you, in the moments that matter to them and generate rich, actionable insights as a result.