
So essentially mobile research pre-tasking is a way for researchers to get to know respondents before they get to meet them. So traditionally pre-tasking was used to get respondents to complete some tasks or activities before in-person focus groups or IDIs, you know, some people call it homework for example. Now that more and more IDIs and focus groups have gone online, the need of pre-tasking in our opinion has never been greater. 


Because, let’s face it, online focus groups are a poor replacement for the real thing. You can’t know researchers, you can’t read the room when you’re on zoom, you miss out body language signals for example, you miss out on that feeling that you get when you’re face to face with somebody in the focus group or an IDI. In a nutshell, it’s impossible for a researcher to work their usual magic when their wi-fi is glitchy.

How to Use Mobile Pre-Tasking in Qualitative Research?

By pre-tasking using an app like Indeemo, researchers can really get to explore how respondents behave over a period of time before they do those groups. And then they can use that Zoom call to get respondents to explain those behaviors. 

How can I use Indeemo in IDI / Online Focus Group?

We have a lot of clients now who are using Indeemo for pre-tasking as a way to capture contextual in the moment behavioral data from research participants before their zoom groups, or zoom IDIs and one great technique that we see them using now is that they’re screen sharing the footage that respondent’s shared during their pre-task in the zoom call to get respondent to go back and relieve a particular experience. And then that allows the researcher to really probe and have a dialogue about that particular experience in the IDI and focus group.




Get started with Indeemo’s mobile diary study app with mobile pre-tasking and get close to the real life behaviours that every business needs to capture.

Connect with the humans that matter to you, in the moments that matter to them and generate rich, actionable insights.