
We’ve seen a massive uptake in E-commerce and click and collect research projects at Indeemo over the last three months. So as more and more retailers digitise their offerings and more and more traditional retail goes from stores to online, what we’re seeing is retailers really struggling to understand the impact that’s having on their customers. 

So, if you’ve digitised your retail offering, you’re now suddenly looking at a dataset that’s more like Google analytics than actually seeing humans face to face.

What we’re doing with Indeemo is we’re giving you a capability to compliment your analytics, to compliment the technologies and your datasets with real-life human data from the shoppers that are using your E-commerce offering or your click and collect.



Blog Recommendation

Click and Collect Research


Case Study Recommendation

Path to Purchase Shopping Journey



Get started with Indeemo and connect with your customers in a very authentic, private, one-to-one manner

Connect with the humans that matter to you, in the moments that matter to them and generate rich, actionable insights as a result.