Exploring Demand Spaces to better Understand Unmet Consumer Needs and Preferences


When thinking of consumer behaviour, understanding the contexts and situations in which consumers make decisions is more critical than ever. Demand Spaces – a concept that helps brands gain deeper insights into consumer needs and preferences, putting the consumer's real world experiences first. This blog will explore the essence of Demand Spaces, their importance for brands, and how qualitative research methods, particularly in-the-moment video research, can capture these insights. Additionally, we'll delve into how Indeemo can be an invaluable tool in building a comprehensive picture of Demand Spaces.



What Are Demand Spaces?

Demand Spaces are specific contexts or occasions that reveal distinct consumer needs, preferences, and behaviours. Unlike traditional segmentation methods that focus on demographics or psychographics, Demand Spaces delve into the situational contexts and emotional drivers influencing consumer decisions. By understanding these unique spaces, brands can tailor their products, marketing strategies, and customer experiences to meet the specific needs of consumers in various contexts.


The Importance of Demand Spaces for Brands

Understanding Demand Spaces is crucial for brands for several reasons:

1. Enhanced Consumer Understanding
Demand Spaces provide a holistic view of consumer behaviour, uncovering the underlying motivations and needs driving their choices.

2. Improved Targeting and Personalisation

Brands can create more precise and personalised marketing campaigns that resonate with consumers in different contexts.

3. Innovation and Growth Opportunities

Identifying unmet needs within specific Demand Spaces can lead to the development of new products and services.

4. Competitive Advantage

Brands that effectively address specific Demand Spaces can differentiate themselves and build stronger loyalty and preference among consumers.


Video Analysis Platform

Additional Capabilities

In addition to Video Surveys, you can also do the following with Indeemo:

• Recruit Participants in hours

Recruit B2C and B2B participants in hours from a panel of 3 million+ Respondents.

• Speed up analysis with Generative AI

Use Generative AI prompts for summarisation, translation, thematic analysis, sentiment analysis etc. and reduce analysis time by at least 40%.

• Analyse Interviews and IDIs

Import your interviews from Zoom, Microsoft Teams or your computer, transcribe them in 27 languages and analyse them fast with Generative AI.

The Role of Qualitative Research in Understanding Demand Spaces

Qualitative research is essential in identifying and understanding Demand Spaces. Unlike quantitative research, which focuses on numerical data, qualitative research delves into the "why" behind consumer behaviour. It provides rich, detailed insights into the emotions, motivations, and contexts influencing consumer decisions.

In-the-Moment Video Research: Capturing Context and Occasion

One of the most effective qualitative research methods for exploring Demand Spaces is in-the-moment video research. This approach involves capturing real-time video footage of consumers as they go about their daily lives.

Here's why it's so powerful:

1. Authentic Insights
In-the-moment video research captures genuine consumer behaviour in real-world contexts, providing authentic insights into their needs and preferences.

2. Contextual Understanding
By observing consumers in different situations, researchers can identify the specific contexts and occasions that define various Demand Spaces.

3. Emotional Connection
Video research allows for the capture of emotional responses, giving brands a deeper understanding of the emotional drivers behind consumer behaviour.

How Indeemo’s research tools help build a Picture of Demand Spaces?

Indeemo is a powerful platform that facilitates in-the-moment video research, making it easier for brands to uncover and understand Demand Spaces. Here’s how Indeemo can be an invaluable tool in this process:

1. User-Friendly Mobile App
Indeemo’s intuitive mobile app allows consumers to easily record and upload video diaries, capturing their experiences and Behaviours in real time. This user-friendly interface ensures high participation rates and richer data collection.

2. Contextual and Real-Time Insights

With Indeemo, researchers can collect real-time video data from consumers, providing immediate insights into the contexts and occasions that define different Demand Spaces. This real-time data is invaluable for understanding the dynamic nature of consumer behaviour.

3. Rich, Qualitative Data

Indeemo enables the collection of rich, qualitative data that goes beyond numbers. Through video footage, brands can gain a deeper understanding of the emotions, motivations, and situational factors influencing consumer decisions.

4. Interactive Dashboards and Analytics

Indeemo’s platform includes interactive dashboards and analytics tools that help researchers analyse and interpret the collected data. These tools make it easier to identify patterns, draw meaningful insights, and translate them into actionable strategies.

5. Efficient Recruitment for Research Participants

Indeemo simplifies the recruitment process with its robust participant recruitment features. It allows brands to screen and recruit the right participants quickly and efficiently. By targeting the exact demographics and psychographics needed, researchers can ensure that their studies are filled with relevant and engaged participants, enhancing the quality of the insights gathered.

6. Generative AI for Qualitative Data Analysis

Indeemo leverages generative AI to revolutionise qualitative data analysis. The platform automatically transcribes video interviews and focus groups in multiple languages, identifies speakers, and assigns roles. Its AI-powered tools can summarise transcripts, detect themes, analyse sentiment, and extract key quotes in seconds. This dramatically reduces the time needed for analysis and allows researchers to focus on interpreting insights and making data-driven decisions.

The Path Forward with Demand Spaces and Indeemo

Understanding Demand Spaces is a game-changer for brands looking to enhance consumer understanding, improve targeting and personalisation, identify innovation opportunities, and gain a competitive advantage. Qualitative research, particularly in-the-moment video research, plays a crucial role in capturing the contexts and occasions that define these spaces. Indeemo stands out as a valuable tool that facilitates this process, providing brands with the real-time, contextual, and emotional insights needed to build a comprehensive picture of Demand Spaces.

By leveraging the power of Demand Spaces and the capabilities of Indeemo, brands can unlock new levels of consumer understanding and drive success in today’s competitive market. Embrace the power of Demand Spaces and transform your brand strategy today.

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