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Our client operates a luxury travel experience. The experience takes tourists on a trip of a lifetime where they got to witness some of the most breathtaking views of nature in the world has to offer. The customer service provided by the onboard is central to ensuring that the passenger’s experience is comfortable, memorable and authentic. Coupled with the natural beauty of the journey, their premium customer service ensures that the experience exceeds all expectations.
Our Client’s employees go to great lengths to ensure the satisfaction of their passengers. But they wanted to really understand the entire journey beyond just the trip onboard.
To truly provide a flawless experience, they needed to understand their customer’s experiences long before they set foot onboard.
But understanding the entire journey was a challenge. Whilst they had face-to-face interactions with passengers, they could only gather reflective feedback on how they discovered the brand, made a booking, located their departure point and their first impressions.
Given the impact of the natural beauty on the tour, they would consistently receive positive feedback from ecstatic passengers.
Although satisfied with these responses, in order to get a true, authentic understanding of passengers’ full experience, they needed to walk in their shoes for the entire course of the trip, capturing every moment in real-time.
Our client’s objectives were to:
Understand passengers full customer journey and customer experience from the booking process right up to taking the trip to getting home again
Identify any aspects of the tour or service that could be further optimized to enhance passengers experiences
Gain an insight into the customer journey and in-the-moment experience from the passengers perspective
17 Respondents
10 Tasks
3 Weeks
Tasking Strategy: All-at-once Tasking
Working with Indeemo, our client decided upon a task list that would involve respondents completing 10 tasks. The 10 tasks gave respondents the opportunity to record their customer journey from the point of booking their ticket, arriving on the morning of the trip, several stages of their onboard journey, hotel stays, and a post-journey reflection.
By compiling a series of photos, video and text uploads of their trip, the passengers allowed our client to experience what they experienced, in-context and in-the-moment.
Indeemo’s ability to work offline was also invaluable in the course of this project. By using an all-at-once task list, respondents fully understood what was required of them from the outset and throughout their journey.
Additionally, the ability to use the app offline meant that they captured incredibly authentic, media-rich uploads, even while out of coverage from wifi or mobile networks.
Over the course of the journey, respondents built up a visual representation of their experience accompanied by a detailed description of each phase. This allowed our client to experience exactly what respondents experienced first-hand and allowed them to truly understand the full customer journey of their passengers. Using the Indeemo platform, they were then able to continually revisit the passengers’ customer experience in a rich and real way.
If you’d like to learn more about how Indeemo can help a travel or hospitality brand understand the customer journey of their customers, please get in touch.
Autoethnography is a powerful way to get the real-life perspective of your customer’s experience as they interact with, purchase or consume your product, service or experience.
We have a lot of experience at simplifying and optimizing customer journey research for mobile.
We can activate your next project in one working day.
Learn how Indeemo can support your research projects and generate rich, contextual insights that help you better understand your target audience and build empathy across your entire organisation.