Customised Respondent Registration pages / QR code recruitment

Typically on research projects, recruitment agencies source respondents, screen them and then provide Researchers with a list of Respondent emails. These email addresses are added to the Respondents screen on Indeemo and linked to your project. Researchers can then send personalised invites to Respondents who register via our default Registration page.

However, if you are recruiting from your own CRM or user list, or wish to recruit Respondents in a particular context (e.g. Hotel room, Medical facility or at the point in which they receive a shipment from you) you may not need to source or screen respondents via a Recruitment Agency.

Our Customised Respondent Registration page solution was built to support brands who want to connect directly with their own customers and users.

Available to Indeemo annual licence holders, you now have the option to create Customised Respondent Registration page for each Target Group in your Project and recruit your own Respondents directly. When combined with our Opt-in Consent functionality, we now offer a frictionless solution of sourcing and onboarding respondents.

Recruiting your own Respondents is easy with Indeemo

Creating a Customised Respondent Registration page can be done via the New Project screen.


Clicking on the Enable button above allows you to create a customised Respondent Registration page.

Here is an example of what such a page would look like.


Enabling a Customised Respondent Registration screen allows you to customise a branded Indeemo registration page for your Respondents.

You have the option to add your own logo and a custom welcome message that explains what they need to do next.

Each Target Group in your project is assigned a unique registration page URL.

Once enabled, you can then embed the unique URL for each Target Group in your survey screener or email the registration URL to your various customer personas / lists.

Once they register via the unique URL, we automatically link them to the Tasks that you have created for each specific Target Group.

Alternatively, you can leverage our QR code recruitment registration option to recruit Respondents in the real world context in which they use your product or service.


Recruit Respondents in-the-moment via QR code

Because each Customised Respondent Registration page has a unique URL, Indeemo automatically generates a QR code for each Target Group.

This is ideal if you wish to recruit Respondents in-the-moment and in the context of a particular experience / location e.g. a Hotel Room or a waiting room in a medical facility. Alternatively, you could include a QR code when you ship your customers a particular product. They could scan the QR code when they open the package, register straight into your Indeemo project and immediately share their out of the box experience with you.

You can access the QR code for each Target Group in the Indeemo Respondents screen by clicking on the “Show QR code” button.

Clicking on Show QR code displays the following modal which allows you to download the QR code.


When Respondents scan the QR code, we will automatically direct them to your branded, Customised Respondent Registration page where they can instantly register and take part in your project.

Once you hit your quota of Respondents, you can then click on the Pause Registration button.

Once paused, any Respondent who clicks on the Customised Respondent Registration page URL or scans the QR code will be shown a screen like the following:


You have the option to resume registration at any time if you need to recruit more Respondents.

This solution allows you to recruit real Respondents, who actually use your product or service, in a real world context at the exact time in which they are engaging with your service or product. This maximises the authenticity of both the Respondent and the insights you capture as there is no delay between recruiting them and getting them to share their real life experiences with you.

Opt-in Consent

Is collecting opt-in consent forms a pain? If so, we have a solution for you!

In addition to our Customised Respondent Registration page solution above, annual licence holders also have the option to get respondents to opt-in to their terms and conditions before they can register with Indeemo.

For more info on our Opt-in Consent capability, click here.

If you’d like to learn more about how Customised Respondent Registration pages work, please contact us.