Frictionless Opt-in Consent

Obtaining consent from Respondents can be both a huge time commitment for Researchers and a cumbersome experience for Respondents.

Traditional approaches such as collecting signed consent forms can be costly and time consuming. Using e-signature solutions avoid this hassle but the UX can be convoluted resulting in high Respondent abandonment rates.

Indeemo’s Opt-in Consent capability was built to solve this problem.

Obtaining opt-in consent with Indeemo is easy.

Our mission is to connect businesses with their actual users and customers. So, in conjunction with our Customised Respondent Registration page / QR code recruitment capability, Indeemo annual subscription customers can now upload research consent forms / Terms and Conditions for their projects on Indeemo.

When creating your Project via the New Project screen, you can enable Opt-in Consent and upload your Consent Form / Terms and Conditions in PDF format.


Once enabled, Respondents who register via your Customised Respondent Registration page must either Accept or Reject your Terms and Conditions as part of their Indeemo registration flow.

This guarantees that only Respondents who explicitly opt-in are linked to your project. This double opt-in procedure has been approved by the legal / data privacy teams of our enterprise clients.

Indeemo’s opt-in consent functionality makes obtaining opt-in consent as easy as 1, 2, 3!

1 - Respondents register via your Customised Respondent Registration page


2 - Respondents must then Accept or Reject your terms and conditions.


3 - Respondents who opt-in are directed to download our app and start your project.


The whole experience is quick and easy and significantly improves registration rates, especially on projects where you are engaging directly with your own users or customers.

If you’d like to learn more about this feature, please contact us.

Note: this functionality is only available when respondents register via our Customised Respondent Registration page. It is not available when Respondent emails are added directly into your Project and then invited by email.