See and hear the user experience as it happens


Build empathy for the human experience and their interactions


Experience Design Research and Mobile Ethnography for remote User Research


Longitudinal Research

Explore user behaviors over time by designing lognitudinal research techniques. Adopt mobile diaries to capture the motivations, experiences and behaviors of your users

Video Diary and User Research

Get specific: Incorporate video diaries to uncover qualitative insights with contextual video diaries each time users interact with your product or service

Usability Testing

Mobile Screen Recording can empower users to interact with your new design and uncover how design impacts the user experience


Understand your user experience, in context and in-the-moment

Remote, in-the-moment, contextual Experience Design Research and Mobile Ethnography are a powerful, scalable and cost effective way for you increase user empathy by immersing yourself in the everyday lives of your users.

Experience design research and Mobile Ethnography App

Take a deep dive into the lives of your users and see how they interact with your product or service using our Mobile Ethnography App for Experience Design

  • Our apps help you understand both the user and their interactions.

  • Spend a week in the life of your users and uncover the experiences of different user personas

  • Understand their motivations and behaviors.

  • Build empathy for your users as patterns of daily habits and rituals emerge


Build contextual user journey maps in real time

Our Experience Graph and user journey mapping capabilities gives you qualitative insights through video, photo, and diary uploads to capture the true user experience.

Research participants can use our five point emotion scales (with emojis) to provide you with quantiative insights to show their real world experiences across the user journey.

All positive and negaitve experiences can be captured and aligned with the qualitative insights that emerge.


Indeemo Journey Map


Push notifications allow you to interact with your research participants remotely

  • Comment on each upload from your users as they document their journey.

  • Engage with your users and follow up on individual behaviors and emotions.

  • Build rapport and encourage research participants to reflect and describe.

  • Participant engagement can be strong through the use of push notifications

Indeemo App Notification

Indeemo Screen Recording demo


Capture the Digital User Experiences

  • Get a deep understanding of smartphone behaviors.

  • Uncover the layers of human-computer interaction

  • Hear users describe their thoughts and emotions as they interact with your mobile app

  • Ideal for User Research, remote Usability Testing, Path to Purchase and digital customer experiences

Interactive and User Friendly Researcher Dashboard

  • All qualitative data is organised on our insights dashboard as participants upload their experiences.

  • Engage with resarch participants in-the-moment.

  • Follow up with their video diary entries by using push notifications.

  • Involve various members of your team and assign roles and permissions to ensure user empathy can be a shared experience.

  • Leverage automated video transcription, tagging, and keyword cloud capabilities to save time on qualitative analysis.

Experience design research dashboard


Learn more about all the research methodologies we support.



Enterprise Validated Security


GDPR Compliant

ISO 27001 certified

Enterprise Ready

HIPAA Compliant


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Reader in the Sociology of Food and Families Enterprise

“Indeemo enabled our ethnographic learning and teaching during the pandemic.”

Posted on G2


Managing Partner

“Easy to Use Diary Study Software! Outstanding Support!”

Posted on G2



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Unlike other providers we are only too happy to take you through everything to help ensure your project is successful.

Our strategists will work closely with you to understand your specific requirements, and to propose strategies for addressing the project brief.

Our support team will be on hand to ensure that you, your clients and your respondents have a 6* experience.

Experience design research and Mobile Ethnography - Concierge

Mobile Ethnography White Paper

Learn how Mobile Ethnography can supplement your research projects and generate richer contextual insights for your brands.

indeemo white paper